
Hear From Our Alumnus: Dr. Garrett-Dijan Fairclough

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Hear From Our Alumnus: Dr. Garrett-Dijan Fairclough

Meet Garrett-Dijan, a healthcare trailblazer whose vision surpasses conventional practices. A graduate of the University of the West Indies’ Faculty of Medical Sciences, Garrett-Dijan’s passion for medicine transcends illness treatment. He emphasizes the importance of technology and global awareness in healthcare, especially concerning the younger generation.

His journey has been marked by years of experience in emergency care management, where he encountered a variety of common diseases. Yet, it was his special interests in public health, particularly its intersection with social determinants and rehabilitation, that set him apart as a forward-thinker in the field. With a keen eye on the future, Garrett-Dijan envisions a healthcare system in Jamaica that embraces both technological advancements and creative solutions.

However, his quest for knowledge and innovation didn’t stop at graduation. Garrett-Dijan attributes much of his growth and learning to his experience at RevUP, where he gained invaluable insights and skills to further his mission of revolutionizing healthcare. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into his journey and the impact of RevUP on his professional development.

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